Monday, May 18, 2009

Green Festival

Sunday we attended the Chicago Green Festival at Navy Pier with tickets my wife won by being, like, sooo good. Pleasingly, the first thing we saw on entering was some installation involving bikes and recycling and people in quasi-futuristic uniform undyed probably-hemp get-ups.

Unfortunately the second thing I saw was a display in which Best Buy and Black & Decker present themselves as Super Green Dudes because I guess Black & Decker has a few solar-powered things that they sell and Best Buy recycles piles of last week's now-obsolete consumer goods (ie, ship it off to China or some third-world punching bag where the toxic chemicals and heavy metals in the boards seep into the groundwater)

Fortunately the horrific soon gave way to the absurd at the sight of another green product: Organic aerosol cans of pancake batter.

But, weirdo faux-green markety nonsense aside, Dexter got to hang out with some arthropods.

and at the largely-vegan wholly-smug cafeteria area, one stand was giving out free promotional fake mustaches. Dexter wasn't content with just one.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Clich Watch

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner" ignores the fact that a wolf majority can't survive.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ugh work work work!

I'm on a deadline and these words ain't going to search themselves!

Meeting people for dinner immediately after a long bike ride is an occasion to be Mindful. My wife was a bit startled to notice I'd destroyed my beer and finished my burrito and was finishing up the rice on the side before she'd gotten through half of the part of her dinner she wasn't setting aside to take home. Om to the nom.

Friday, January 30, 2009

G1 Phone Cradle

I will sell it to you for thirty five dollars, it is a "wireless accessory"

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mine too.

You know what's nice to see?



Last night I had this crazy dream that since Republicans were so down on the stimulus bill even with only a small amount of it being for infrastructure spending and the biggest chunk being tax cuts, Obama said "welp we tried working with you, but if this is how you're gonna be then..." and he unzipped his briefcase and FLUMP the new stimulus bill flopped out that was extremely correct, and Democrats passed it because fuck it. A watered-down stimulus package that's mostly crap that doesn't work put there to appease Republicans won't actually be very effective, and it'll be remembered as Obama's Economic Plan and Democrats'll get blamed for it not working, so why screw around with trying to please people who are actually for real believers in an ideology that's in direct conflict with what you were elected to do?